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Perth EuroWalk

Point J - St John’s Kirk

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Location: St John’s Place

St Johns Kirk is Perth’s oldest surviving building, dating from at least 1126, but may even be 100 years older than that.

St John’s Kirk – Photo thanks to Gillian Forsyth

Perth was one of the birthplaces of the Scottish Reformation. In 1559, John Knox had returned from Switzerland and made a famous rousing sermon in St John’s Kirk.

Interior of the Church and the Knox Chapel – photo J. Wilson

The interior of the church features a 15th Century Flemish brass candelabrum, probably the only one of its kind in Scotland, hanging in the north transept close to the Shrine. It represents the 12 apostles with the Madonna and Child. (see photo below)

The Flemish Candelabrum – photo J. Wilson

This document features some of the interior features to be seen in the church.

Some interesting features on the exterior can be found in this document, including about the carillon of bells:

The Carillon of Bells – Photo by Jenny Wilson

The history of bells in Scotland follows the North European tradition and is quite different to that found in England. Read more here.

Walking Route Instructions: We hope you have enjoyed this walk. To return to the start of our route, make your way along St John Street at the Eastern/North Eastern end of the church towards South Street. Then turn left towards the River Tay and turn right to walk back to where we started. An option is to walk further along the Tay at this point to Perth Harbour to see where the various ships arrive up the Tay from many destinations including the European continent.