The European Commission commented in 2019:
“As the UK’s top cultural and creative city, Glasgow is home to world-class museums, galleries, family-friendly attractions and an edgy contemporary art scene that shows the city at its energetic finest.”
And surely the top Museum venue in Glasgow is Kelvingrove Museum, which was constructed as the Palace of Fine Arts for the Glasgow International Exhibition of 1901 and designed by English architect Sir John William Simpson using red sandstone in Spanish Baroque style.
One of the external sculpted figures was carved by the Italian sculptor Aristide Luigi Fabbrucci (1859 – 1903) And another, representing “Religion” was carved by Johan Keller, born in the Hague, Netherlands and who became professor of Sculpture at Glasgow School of Art:
Within the museum itself, probably the most well known and loved painting that you will find here is the Salvador Dali painting “Christ of St John of the Cross”. There is also a large collection of European arms – and a collection of French Impressionists such as Monet, Renoir, and Pissaro in the French Gallery and Old Masters in the Dutch Gallery including Rembrandt and Van Gogh.
In addition, you can view paintings by “The Glasgow Boys”, who were influenced by European art movements and exhibited on the European continent – see more here:
And there is a magnificent Pipe Organ which you can hear being played weekly at lunchtime public recitals – check ahead for timings. (Typically they are on Mondays to Saturdays at 1pm and Sundays at 3pm). For example click here.
There is an example of a Bulgarian doll and other artefacts from all over Europe that can be found when you search the online catalogue!