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Edinburgh New Town Eurowalk

Point D - Consulate General of Spain

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Location: 63 North Castle Street

The Spanish Consulate General, the representation of the Spanish Government in Scotland, is housed here.

Scotland and Spain have historical, cultural, sporting and educational links. Many Scots feel a particular affinity with Catalonia in Spain and Scots fought with the International Brigades in the Civil War. A memorial has been set up for them in East Princes Street Gardens.

One intriguing connection goes back to the defeat of the Spanish armada by the English navy in 1588. The ships that survived were forced to navigate their way home around the north and west coasts of Scotland. Several ships were lost along the treacherous Scottish coastline in terrible weather. It is said that a critically damaged Spanish vessel took shelter in the bay of Tobermory, the Isle of Mull, but was mysteriously blown up whilst being repaired with the help of local clans. The rumours that the vessel was carrying a huge treasure of gold and silver plate and the Armada paymaster’s chest, a hoard of 30 million ducats in gold coin have persisted for many years!

Walk back the way you came for 130 metres up North Castle Street to George Street. Turn left along George Street. After about 140 metres, 81 George Street, the home of the French murderer, Eugene Chantrelle, is on your left.

Picture credits: Vanessa Glynn