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Point C - RRS Discovery

Dundee has a long history of seafaring and trading links with the European continent, for example to the City of Veere in the Netherlands, where records of Dundee ships and trade can be found on the Friends of Dundee City Archive website (Note: site is being updated as at Aug 2022).

The RRS Discovery ship and museum are well worth a visit. The ship was built in Dundee in 1900 and famously took part in Commander Scott’s voyages to explore the Antarctic. Its design was based on the wooden hulled designs of the whaling ships that were built in Dundee. This actually allowed the ship to cope with the stresses and strains of being surrounded by pack ice during an Antarctic winter!

RRS Discovery – Photo J. Wilson
Taking the Helm! Photo: J.Wilson

The ship spent much of its career trading across the Atlantic and to ports within Europe.

For more reading about the Dundee Whaling Industry please see the Friends of Dundee City Archive website. Note: The site is being updated as at Aug 2022

Walking Route Instructions: To continue our walk, walk back past the front of the V & A Museum and along to the pedestrian crossing which will take us across to our next stop, the Slessor Gardens.