Explore Dumfries on foot to discover deep and enduring 20th century links with Norway and find out more about the advancements in medicine that took place in the town, including a very significant European “first”.
This Eurowalk has been prepared by Phil Carson and David Roulston of South West Scotland for Europe, a local group affiliated to the European Movement in Scotland. We’d love to hear what you think of it, if you have any comments or suggestions, or if you’d like to find out more about us, please contact us at swscotland4europe@outlook.com.
The walk is fairly gentle with a few easy inclines to manage along the route. You are recommended to wear sturdy shoes or walking boots in the winter or when the weather has been wet or frosty. Allow circa 2 hours for the walk (more if you wish to avail of refreshments at the Crichton Campus or in the Town Centre)